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Stitches and Stories Background
Activity: Traditional Rug Hooking
Rubrics for Assessment
Rug Hooking
Ideas for Alignment
Brief Description: Students will learn how early Maine families used worn out or outgrown clothing to make quilts, rugs and other useful items. Both boys and girls learned to sew. Students will research early samplers and rugs and make a basic rug using early techniques.
Johnny Appleseed Would Be Proud
Download This Lesson: Johnny Appleseed Would Be Proud
Brief Description: Students will be able to diagnose and develop an action plan for control of an apple disease using their resources. Apple diseases will be discussed and students will be able to use the internet, articles and pictures to identify the disease. Using Integrated Pest Management methods they will create outlines and visual aids to present to the class.
Pesticide Wise
Download This Lesson: Pesticide Wise
Brief Description: Students will learn about the selection, handling, storage and disposal of pesticides. They will read about the background of pesticide use and the harm it can pose. Students will look at new vocabulary and the information given on labels to find important information.
Soil Is Not Trivial
Download The Lesson: Soil Is Not Trivial
Brief Description: Using facts about the Dust Bowl, students write questions and playa trivia activity focused around the establishment of a national soil conservation program and the importance of soil. Students then explore and/or develop a plan to address a local soil conservation issue.
It All Starts With A
Download This Lesson: It All Starts With A
Brief Description: Students conduct surveys to learn what agriculture provides to people. They organize, simplify, and communicate their findings using tallies, frequency tables, and histograms.
From Sea to Shining Sea
Download This Lesson: From Sea To Shining Sea
Brief Description: Students complete a United States map showing the locations of the states, their capitals, and the top five agricultural commodities in each state. They then identify and graph the top five commodities nationally after compiling the information.