Download This Lesson: Taste Testing
Brief Description: To build awareness of where food comes from and to encourage children to eat healthier, locally grown foods.
The students will:
- be able to identify vegetables, fruit and products grown on Maine farms and gardens
- be more likely to consume these foods at home or in the cafeteria
30-45 minutes
Correlations to State of Maine Learning Results: Parameters for Essential Instruction
ELA = English Language Arts, HE/PE = Health Education and Physical Education, MA = Mathematics, SCI = Science, SS = Social Studies, VPA = Visual and Performing Arts
** Alignment possible only if lesson extension is done
Grade |
Maine Learning Results |
Common Core Standards for English and |
3-5 |
**ELA – Writing: B3. Students write to identify and explain a position to an identified audience. HEALTH. – C1. Students demonstrate age appropriate healthy practices and/or behaviors to maintain or improve personal health. a. Design healthy menus MATH – Data Analysis: B2. Grade 3: Students read, construct, and interpret bar Grade 4: Students collect and represent data in tables, Grade 5: Students read, construct, and interpret line graphs. SCI – Ecosystems: E2. Students describe ways organisms depend upon, interact within, and change the living and non-living environment as well as ways the environment affects organisms. d. Explain how the food of most animals can be traced back to plants and how animals use food for energy and repair. |
**ELA – Writing Grade 3: 2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly 4. With guidance and support from adults, produce Grade 4: 4. Produce clear and coherent writing in Grade 5: 4. Produce clear and coherent writing in MATH Grade 3: 3MD. B.3 (p) Draw a scaled picture graph |
**Lesson Extension: Writing Activity-Students write about what kinds of foods are needed to be healthy and where they come from OR write about the observations made of foods tested and their flavors. |