Download This Lesson: What Piece Of The Pie?
Brief Description: Students explore the economics of consumer food products by analyzing who gets what portion of the price we pay for our food.
Lessons & Resources for Educators
Download This Lesson: What Piece Of The Pie?
Brief Description: Students explore the economics of consumer food products by analyzing who gets what portion of the price we pay for our food.
Download This Lesson: Step By Step
Brief Description: Students study the sequence of production to discover the resources required and the variety of careers involved to take a raw food from the farm to the consumer.
Download This Lesson: Don’t Use It All Up!
Brief Description: Students participate in a sponge demonstration to discover that people are consumers of resources and explore methods of conserving those resources.
Download This Lesson: From Sea To Shining Sea
Brief Description: Students complete a United States map showing the locations of the states, their capitals, and the top five agricultural commodities in each state. They then identify and graph the top five commodities nationally after compiling the information.